Declaration of Food Compliance

1935/2004, EU 10/2011 and  FDA 21 CFR 177.1520 

Name Item Nr. Material 

Kadova moulds 4000 – 4950 Base Polymer HDPE
Kadova nets 4000 – 4950 Net Material PP/PE 

For the above listed products / materials used we declare that: 

  • The Monomer used as base material is listed in 2002/72/EC and its amendments. If a Monomer or additive has a specific migration limit (or other restriction) applicable within  2002/72/EC or its amendments this is highlighted – so you can test the finished article appropriately. The resins used for the production of the cheese moulds, meet CFR Part 177 – ‘INDIRECT FOOD  ADDITIVES POLYMERS’ and are safe for food contact. 
  • Products are manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001 quality requirements for material,  dimensions and visual appearances. 

This statement is valid for the plastic, only when the finish (a mixture of lubricants as ester-oils and a  system of anionic and non-ionic emulsifiers) is removed from the product by washing before the final  utilization. 

Date: 13-01-2020
Name: S.W.P Béke
